I like stupid TV. It provides background noise and it doesn't require thought, and now that I can watch pretty much anything I like on Hulu, I often have something streaming. Despite not having time for a real post, I have enough time to watch Angel in the background. Yes, Angel, I said stupid TV. And Buffy is making a guest appearance. Let me just say, I haaate Sarah Michelle Gellar. Ugh, ugh, ugh. She's just so, vapid. How is it possible to be more vapid than these other characters? It's the blonde, wide-eyes, I'm so innocent yet so hurt and hard, ick. She's like a really stupid doll. And it's not just Buffy. It's every character she's ever played. She has four whole emotions and none of them are very believable. Sorry Buffy-ites, but there it is.
Life is not like Sex and the City, or Private Practice, or any other show where people in their late 20's / 30's / 40's are dating for our amusement. It's not fun. It's not glamorous. Relationships do not end with a lesson learned and a glass of wine. Okay, the wine is fairly accurate. The rest of it is crap. We watch those shows because of how inaccurate they are. We'd like to believe that after our latest heartbreak, we will recline in a bubble bath or in front of our computers, marveling at our newfound wisdom and patting ourselves on the back for becoming a more mature person. Let's for a moment apply this entirely artificial paradigm to my life. The basic ingredients are there: single woman in her distressingly late 20s, eligible-ish men, dates, alcohol, occasionally fabulous clothes. Hell, I've even got the klatch of cackling besties to tell me that the latest guy is unworthy of my distress. The basics are here. Things just don't see...
I won't watch an Angel episode if she's in it - that's saying a lot. Angel is my morning porn.