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PreK Graduation & More Critters

I´m getting settled here, slowly but surely. And to cement my new involvement in the community, I attended the preK graduation this past week. First, all the graduates line up at one end of town with their opposite sex parents, and they walk in a grand procession through the whole town, ending at the school.

Then they get to walk under these cool palm frond arches one at a time while their name is called.

Then they´re are a bunch of speeches and each kid gets to walk up on stage and receive a certificate. There are also awards for best conduct, etc.

Finally, there was some folkloric dancing, two to be exact. Here´s a photo of one of them. The kids are my niece and nephew with my current host family. She also won the best student in preK award.

And a wild life update. This gigantic spider was in my letrine the other night and about scared the crap out of me since I didn´t see it on the door until after I had already entered and sat. After my shock, however, I knew I just had to take a picture. It was about 3 inches across.

And this moth was on my rafters yesterday morning. It doesn´t look that big here, but in reality it was somewhere between 7 and 9 inches across from what I could estimate. Those tiles you see are almost a foot across, so this guy is pretty big.

If anyone has time or interest to ID these things for me, please do so, since my access to internet is limited. I would love to post any comments with species identifications.


Anonymous said…
Think the spider is a Wolf Spider.
no luck on th moth yet.
Anonymous said…
Cool! What cute kids with their little graduation hats! Also, imagine the bat that hunts moths the size of frisbees...

Glad to hear you are meeting people. Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said…
I am pretty sure that second critter is mothra.

Anonymous said…
I'd say that spider is a member of the Family Ickyuckidae...
Laura said…
Wow! what a super freaky spider!! My hat's off to you for being able to hold the camera steady while you took the photo!

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