Apparently a blog is forever, since this one is still hanging out there. I could be using it to write about being a traveler, but that's been done and most of my thoughts should remain private anyway (they are *not* flattering). So I'm going to track my 2021 reading challenges instead because that's the only set of goals I'm really setting for myself this year. (2021 goal = have fewer goals.) League of Extraordinary Penpals It's a secret! This challenge is part of a penpal group that I pay to be in, so they don't want people sharing the challenge. I'm going to try to figure out how to review and track these books here without sharing the challenge in ways that aren't okay. For now, I'll just say that I'm tackling the Genre-tastic, Book Club, Around the World, Dewey Decimations, and Social Butterfly challenges, not all of which involve reading a book. Current point tally 4/5/21: 150 5 Countries I'm in an Around the World group on Goodreads ...
Thoughts from last Thursday: Tonight we set up our Indie Bits game, and I'm consumed by nervous anticipation. I imagine this is not unlike when your firstborn child goes to kindergarten. OK, maybe it's not that serious. But the feelings of, please don't bite anyone , and I hope you make friends translates roughly to please don't break while someone is playing you , and also please no one play this game because What if you don't like it? What if people hate it? What if it doesn't work? What if it's uninteresting? What if the puzzles are too hard? There are so many ways this can go wrong. These are not feelings I typically experience with the things that I make, as I usually make things just for myself. I've always been more of an engineer then an artist. At middle school art camp, I was competent at various techniques, but I never had any great ideas. We would be set free to our own creative devices with a new method, and I sat there, feeling inad...