I like stupid TV. It provides background noise and it doesn't require thought, and now that I can watch pretty much anything I like on Hulu , I often have something streaming. Despite not having time for a real post, I have enough time to watch Angel in the background. Yes, Angel, I said stupid TV. And Buffy is making a guest appearance. Let me just say, I haaate Sarah Michelle Gellar. Ugh, ugh, ugh. She's just so, vapid. How is it possible to be more vapid than these other characters? It's the blonde, wide-eyes, I'm so innocent yet so hurt and hard, ick. She's like a really stupid doll. And it's not just Buffy. It's every character she's ever played. She has four whole emotions and none of them are very believable. Sorry Buffy-ites, but there it is.
I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it. - Pablo Picasso