9-26-07 Today’s very exciting topic is the plants of Nicaragua . I n the US , I had a Guide to the Flora of South Carolina, and I wish I had a similar book about Nicaragua . Especially now because it’s the rainy season, and everything is in full bloom. Rig ht now, it rains here every day. Some days it is a constant downpour, other days it’s sunny for a long time and then the whole sky falls down in about fifte en minutes. Either way, we are guaranteed rain, and my clothes are guaranteed to take forever to dry. Yesterday, I washed a lot of my laun dry and got very lucky with some serious sun during the earlier part of the day, so my clothes dried in record time. While this may seem like a minor inconvenience, clothes that take 4-plus days to dry (no exaggeration) come out smelling much worse than they did before they we re washed. Here are my clothes hanging in our garden today. We hang clothes there when it’s sunny. This is our lavandero, which is wher...
I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it. - Pablo Picasso